There may be more lurking on your skin than what meets the eye. For a comprehensive assessment, our highly trained team at Clique Salon and Med Spa utilizes the OBSERV 520X Skin Analysis platform to evaluate the dermal and epidermal skin layers to diagnose skin conditions that may be difficult to see with the naked eye. This skin analyzer technology uses distinguishable fluorescent patterns and polarized light while it takes several high-definition images from different angles to reveal skin dehydration, oiliness, skin texture, pigmentation, vascular conditions, clogged pores, and much more. Schedule a consultation with our skin care experts to find out how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.
This advanced platform takes images while illuminating the face in various types of light in nine different observation modes, allowing our skin experts to identify any underlying skin conditions unseen by the naked eye. The analyzing system examines the skin under the following modes:
1. Daylight: Seen under normal light, the skin is revealed in a natural daylight environment.
2. Surface Texture: The skin’s textural topography is displayed with this mode.
3. Pigmentation: The platform highlights common skin tone irregularities, including melasma, hyperpigmentation, and sun damage.
4. Vascularity: This mode of light checks the microvascular structure in the skin to find out what leads to redness and flushing.
5. Parallel Polarized: This light provides an enhanced view of the skin’s surface, wrinkles, lines, texture, and pores.
6. Cross Polarized: This view blocks any surface shine to fully view dermal structures and diagnose vascular conditions, inflammation, and pigmentation.
7. True UV: In distinguishable fluorescence, the platform displays any abnormalities in the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin.
8. Simulated Woods Light: The blue light highlights the T-zone and U-zone of the face to identify any skin hydration problems and oiliness.
9. 360 Light: This mode illustrates areas of volume on the face to identify any anti-aging management treatments and dermal fillers that may be necessary.